John Romant's Technology Blog

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Tag Archives: digital dailies

Apple iPad streams encrypted HD digital dailies on and off set from encrypted WiFi server.

After spending 10 years creating products that are in use by 10’s of millions of consumers, we are finally free to develop products that are “real world” oriented as opposed to “board room” oriented.  We are free from the shackles of the Corporate demand on tech development…at least for the moment.

The Lab Geeks at nanotechniq have been taking the iPad apart and reconfiguring it’s resources in amazing ways.  We have decided to let out a few goodies in order to further fund our research which includes components for space flight.  Our Film Products have been used and field-test by major motion picture studios.  Along with a few other projects,  we have recently finished working on the Paramount/Relativity Media film “The Fighter” with Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale.

Even with cheap outsourcing of entertainment jobs to India, you cannot compete with our rates and quality.  A film which would cost 4 million dollars to Post via cheap labor, can now be done in America for 2 million dollars, and still create jobs locally.

Nano Dailies

NanoDailies utilizes modified Apple iPads to stream encrypted HD dailies on or off set from a centralized encrypted WiFi server. Each camera is retrofitted with proprietary high bandwidth WiFi transmitters and HD encoders utilizing D cinema AES encryption.

NanoDailies systems are configured for multiple camera use when paired with a nanoIngest server. NanoIngest can be configured to accept HD SDI in multiples of two four six or eight cameras via 3 gbps HD-SDI. The nanoIngest system can accept other signals such as wifi and wifi max as well as high bandwidth microwave, to support remote HD dailies viewing applications.

NanoDailies work flow overview.

Each camera can be connected to the nanoDailies server via wifi or HD SDI. At which point the incoming signals are encrypted with AES2 encryption before transmitting the final HD dailies viewing copy to the Wifi enabled viewing station. At no time will any data travel without encryption. Please see the below flow chart for general reference.

Nano Dailies

email me if you have any questions about the nano_Dailies system: